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Commercial Solar and Geothermal Services in Olympia, WA

If you are interested in a sustainable green building, whether a new project or an upgrade to a current facility, you’re probably already considering using commercial geothermal or solar energy systems. Solar energy systems convert the free light of the sun into electrical power, while geothermal systems use the stable heat in the ground to run highly efficient HVAC systems. Along with energy benefits, solar and geothermal systems may be eligible for federal, state, and local rebates and incentives—making them more affordable than ever.

Sunset Air is a specialist in solar and geothermal energy solutions for businesses in Olympia, WA and throughout South Puget Sound and Southwest Washington. We’re committed to energy efficiency and the responsible use of natural resources, and we’ll bring the best in technology and innovation to benefit your commercial facility.

Reach out to the local commercial solar and geothermal experts for service in South Puget Sound and Southwest Washington Areas. Contact our team today to get started.

Are Solar Energy or Geothermal Heating and Cooling Possible for My Facility?

The simple answer is—yes. We can’t tell you which kind will work or what set-up you’ll need to receive the benefits without further inspection, but advances in commercial solar and geothermal systems over the past few decades have made the technology more flexible, affordable, and effective than ever before. Solar energy can be useful in some fashion to almost any building. Even in the cloudy and rainy Pacific Northwest! (Germany has fewer sunny days than we do, and yet the nation accounts for a fifth of all global solar energy use.) Geothermal systems have specific space requirements, since they must have loops sunk into the ground, but they are also far more flexible than in the past.

The Benefits of Using Commercial Solar Energy Systems

Installing solar panels and other solar energy systems for your business brings with it a number of huge benefits:

  • Lower operating costs: There is no energy system better for lowering a company’s overhead than solar—because the sun’s energy is free. Your bottom line will start to improve the first day the PV panels are put to work.
  • Longevity and ease of maintenance: Solar panels can outlast many other types of energy systems, and they need little maintenance. The rain does most of the cleaning.
  • Federal incentives: You can receive a federal tax benefit for solar installation. We can help you get the most money back from going solar.
  • State rebates: You can further reduce the costs for solar energy with state rebates.
  • Higher property value: A building with solar power is much more attractive to buyers, increasing the property value many times over.

Geothermal Energy Systems in Olympia, WA

Geothermal energy makes for a highly efficient HVAC system. A geothermal heat pump uses the heat from the ground (where it remains relatively stable, no matter the weather) as a medium of heat exchange. This makes geothermal heat pumps more energy efficient than standard rooftop units and split systems for cooling and heating. The loops needed to access the heat from the ground can be buried laterally or vertically, depending on the available space.

To schedule an appointment to find out about your commercial and geothermal options in Olympia, WA, call the award-winning professionals at Sunset Air.